You may have a house or piece of property to sell or cash in the bank that can likely improve your income significantly. You may choose to continue to work full or part time even when you collect social security.
Here are our top questions to answer about retirement and estate planning:
- How much money will I need when I retire and how do I invest my portfolio now?
- Will I have to rely on my children to take care of my finances?
- How can I project what my income will be in five, ten, fifteen from now?
- Apart from bank accounts, what other ways are there to invest safely?
- Can I plan for travel during retirement?
- How do I pass on my estate to my spouse and loved ones?
- How can I ensure long-term care benefits do not to eat away my estate?
The big issue for most is maintaining one’s lifestyle without undue sacrifice. If you have invested in growth vehicles in your younger years, such as stocks and bonds and related mutual funds, you should have achieved significant profit during up periods. As you entered late middle age, if you switched to annuities, you would maintain your principal without threat from market declines. But if you sat on your hands or buried your head in the sand, you may not be in a position to retire worry-free.
Contact us today to speak with one of our retirement planning experts.